Ines and Natooke on China Daily
Ines was on the cover page of China Daily and the article described how Ines has become one of the city’s most vocal advocates of a two-wheeled lifestyle. She opened Natooke bike shop in 2009 to promote green urban transport in Beijing. Please click here to read the full article.

Ines has been working on getting more people to use a bicycle in daily life in cities like Beijing. The article is very well written. She really hopes that Beijing can be the first city in the world to actually have “bicycle highways”. Cities like Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London already have plans to build elevated bicycle only paths across their cities, so that cyclists can get to and from work quickly and safely by bicycle. This does not mean cycling on highways built for cars as that would be very unsafe. Ines hopes Beijing will also make a plan for these cycling paths without traffic lights over the main east-West and North-South roads of Beijing.